Home Birth Midwifery Services
At the core of a successful home birth lies months of prenatal care in which midwife and client get to know one another, building a mutually trusting relationship and a confident home birth team. Development of these trusting relationships allows us the ability to work together toward the family's birthing goals and allows the birthing parent to feel safe and supported in the vulnerable state of a naturally unfolding labor and birth.
Our home birth services include the following:
Photo by Jessiephotodoula
Prenatal care, your labor and birth, and postpartum care through 6 weeks.
Hour long prenatal appointments every 4 weeks from conception through 32 weeks, then every 2 weeks from 32-36 weeks, and weekly from 36 weeks until birth. At 36 weeks our appointment takes place in your home to ensure the environment is readied for the birth and to familiarize ourselves with your safe space.
Extensive knowledge in using herbs and supplements to treat common pregnancy complaints/ailments
All routine obstetric testing/screenings available including blood draws, ultrasounds, genetic testing, glucose tolerance test, group beta strep screening, STI/STD screening, urine analysis, routine Pap smear & screening for vaginal infections.
Phone, text, or email support throughout your pregnancy and postpartum to answer any questions or concerns.
Insurance billing via experienced maternity care biller
The Birth:
Your midwife is on-call 24/7 for your labor and birth between weeks 35-43, eager to jump in the car and head to your home when the time arrives!
Hands on care and support through the duration of your labor and birth as well as 4 or so hours postpartum, or when mom and baby are stable and have attempted breastfeeding
Current training in CPR & Neonatal Resuscitation
Emergency equipment on hand at every birth includes:
Anti-hemorrhagic pharmaceuticals
Oxygen for mom or baby
Pulse oximeter
Suction devices
Herbs and homeopathic remedies
Care continues in the hospital, as your doula, in the event that a change in birth location becomes necessary
Postpartum Care:
Hour long in-home visits for the first week postpartum
Office visits at 2, 4 & 6 weeks postpartum
24 hour phone support
Breastfeeding support & guidance
Newborn screening
Hearing screening referrals
The postpartum period is an extremely important healing, bonding, and learning time for both mom and baby. We work with our families to try to safeguard this time.
Care encompasses the clinical aspects of pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum as well as the personalized emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of the exceptionally unique experience of bringing a new human into this reality. We are diligent in upholding our responsibility to provide safe space for the birthing parent and the baby. Our midwifery service offers all of the same standard screenings as conventional obstetric care and we attend every home birth with emergency safety equipment for both the birthing parent and the newborn. Our training, our trust in birth and the trusting, personal relationships we develop with our families has allowed us the honor of holding space for and witnessing the sacred event of bringing new life forth many, many times - we say thank you to the families to the families who have given us this honor and look forward to working with many more home birth families in the years to come.
Home Birthing Packages
Comprehensive prenatal care, birth, and postpartum care through 6 weeks= $6,000
*Payment due by 36 weeks of pregnancy
*Financial hardship opportunities available
*Insurance & OHP billing available